Our First Day

Our First Day - Tamarah

Thank you all so much for praying for us!! We have felt your prayers!!

Today was a great day! After breakfast, we set out on a stroll along the waterfront with a few of the international workers who had also arrived early for the conference and began hearing their stories. As the day progressed, more and more international workers trickled in, and the outpouring of their stories continued. Shared over coffee in the lobby, ice-cream along the waterfront, cake and coffee on the patio in the late afternoon, and around the dining tables at lunch and dinner (if you are noticing a theme, that might be because their was one 😉 ... obviously of faithful adherence to a strict diet of health and moderation), each story was a window into the heart of the speaker as well as an opportunity for us to listen well and reflect back how their stories were impacting us. It was a privilege and a gift.

As the stories continued, it was fascinating and encouraging to see how the different experiences described throughout the day wove together to paint a larger picture of something really beautiful God is doing across the whole region!

A few other highlights from the day were going swimming, finding a tentacle in Jesse's salad (aptly named "Fruit of the Sea"), and the guys flying their drones over the water during the golden hour of sunset.

Looking forward, we would love your prayers for the logistics of tomorrow as we go about setting up our spaces and gear. Please pray for all the little details as well as for a deep connection within each of us individually as well as a group collectively to the voice and desires of the Holy Spirit.